For people who read this blog, I appreciate your time. In all honesty I do not know proper writing of English or Dari so I write in both languages. But I will be honest in all my posts and write what is on my mind, what criticism or comments may come off of that is totally up to each individual and their respective ideas about my post.
What I write here might not make any difference to anybody but it is my idea and it starts with one.
A life of Misery for woman in this neck of the woods. Be trapped inside her parent’s house before getting married, get married to a guy you have no idea of what he is like or who he is, and finally be trapped inside the guys house for life...... Call that Justice or Islam?????
For me all my life I have thought about Fairness, what does it mean to be a man or a woman, what is the difference, why is this a male dominated country where woman have no say at all and are told to stay quiet and stay home?
The only difference between a man and woman for me is the physical aspect (weakness) of a woman, man are stronger physically. Other than that woman I think are smarter than man, there is so much a woman can do that man are incapable of. We both have brains, both can think, read, write, speak, and do. But can we both give Birth? You look at my room and it is a trashcan, but out of a 100 you maybe find 1 woman disorganized in their life all over the world.
We as males of the family do not give them a choice in their life, marriage is forced upon them, of course you will find woman in the cities that have a choice or forced their choice on the family but that is a rare case, and most of them get killed for doing so. I had a Facebook post about 2 woman, no girls of 13 and 14 from ghor province that escaped home because they were forced to marry guys 60 or older then that because of money, what kind of a Father are we to our Daughters if we only look for money and happiness for us not for the Girl who has to live her life with an old guy that can give her nothing. they escaped home or what was called home, went to hirat city, was caught by the police but instead of asking them what the reason for escaping home was, and maybe do them a little justice by helping them have a choice, both girls were sent back to the village where they were beaten and humiliated publicly by a “mullah”? Now they have to live their life in misery. These are just 2 girls out of 100’s of 1000’s of woman that have the same case in Afghanistan. There video got out on internet and everybody saw it but nobody not even one of the leaders in Afghanistan who so much talk about female rights and promise people of bringing change in this society of ours. So it is proved that it’s just words of mouth and there are no actions taken. We deprive them of education, why are we blaming it on Taliban? Now that the regime is gone and people in the cities have a fairly normal life, I still see woman deprived of their rights in the Society on a major scale. Every family can make a difference but nobody is trying to change the system. What little we have that do speak is put down by the majority of the Society. Lack of education in the female race is what makes them agree with everything society is forcing upon them.
I for one have a family and care about their lives and want to bring change no matter what, as I said earlier this might not make any difference to anybody out there but it is my idea of life in Afghanistan and am hoping someday we can change that