Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Nobody Can Replace Her

My loving mother died on the 25th of November 2012, leaving after a huge family mourning. Her principles in life were not to live for herself but for others. Her family, and everybody who lived around her, benefited from her kindness and her love.
Her compassion for her family, as I believe all mother’s compassion for their families, were amazing.

This is to cherish her memories, remember her for the good that she did throughout her life.
My mother lived a hard life. since she was a kid, just like other Afghan girls, she was thought not to speak, not to do anything out of the culture’s boundaries, with those boundaries being sky high for girls and a short wall of cark for boys.
Girls from a small age here learn to cover their self, learn to bow their heads down, learn not to speak, learn to obey and learn that men, as the more favored creature of god is to rule them and it is to them to take all brutality that men endure on women with silence and thank god that they are being fed.
When my mother got married to my father, she became the farmer of the family. Day after day and year after year, at that small age where girls should be allowed to play learned how to work hard and provide for her family. She would go out during dark night to irrigate the lands while my father was either out of the district or out of the country somewhere trying to earn a living for us. Her fear was not the wolves that might tear her skin or eat her, she would walk out with gusto and with bravery. Her fear was that her kids would not have enough to eat.
Throughout life, at least my life, she was always the admin of the family. She would control all finances going out and coming in. she would not let a penny go to waste and would argue for no matter how long it took to save one.
Once, after several arguments with my father that she was not eating much while going to the city, in Quetta, Pakistan, during the 90’s when I was a kid, and she was getting scarves for women who did embroidery, bought 6 bananas, eating half of one, and bringing 5 and a half for her kids home, not daring to eat the others because she couldn’t bare eating while her children was staying home.
Now I want you all to imagine, a mother, no, a woman, with no education, controlling a family with a tight grip like that. What if she was given the opportunity to study and go after her dreams? What would than become of her? I firmly believe, if with no education, women can control a family, with it, they can control a country while being kindhearted.
We need kindhearted, we need love, we need compassion that only a women can give to her children or her country’s population.
For too long, we men have controlled the faith of this country, with guns, war, hatred, killing each other left and right for nothing. WE DON’T NEED THAT, we need the ideas of the other 50% of the population on the faith of the country or mark my words, our country will NEVER progress and NEVER develop.
LOVE YOU MOM, FOREVER, may your soul rest in peace

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

My Rage

Well Folks, it has been long, but i come with guns blazing, well, sort of, i wrote some articles for other websites that i am going to share here but this one, is written for here:

In the 21st century where women have widespread involvement in societies of the world, where women are presidents, ministers, law makers, parliament members and generally, work in an environment where they share the same space as men, where they are seen as a critical part of a country, a society, a revolution, a democracy, and progress, there is still a country in the world where it is most dangerous for them to live in. I read a comment recently where a man said, “since women like you refuse to OBEY men, which they are created to, they deserve to be killed because they put in jeopardy the honor of their family and us as Afghans”. What honor? Which reputation? Is your reputation so great in the world that you have progressed above all? Is your honor so great that the world respects you? 

No, in fact, you are the scum of the world, you are the part and the country everybody is trying to fix, you are the brother that never gets it, you are the broken part everybody is trying to fix but since you don’t want to be fixed, nobody can damn well come near you to even try and work on you. You refuse to acknowledge that you are the worst and refuse to fix yourself. This is you; this is YOU, the people of Afghanistan.

You ever wonder why you are so backward? You ever wonder why every country in the world is trying to fix you up? You ever wonder why all the scum of the world is damped in one country? It is because you don’t listen, it is because you have neglected 50% of society their rights, and it is because you have not even considered the other half, HUMAN. This is your fault. Stop pointing fingers at the rest of the world. Stop blaming other people for the way you are. JUST STOP!!!!!

Time to realize that unless you don’t want to fix yourself, unless you don’t bring in all the talent that you have, unless you don’t use all the resources that you have, YOU WILL NEVER GET TO WHERE YOU WANT, I doubt you even have an idea of where you want to go from here. Your government is the most corrupt, they steal money at every chance they get and still have the guts to blame the rest of the world for its mistake. Sometimes you make me laugh at how ignorant you are!!!!!!

Thursday, February 23, 2012

Message of a women to all Afghan men

Copied from a comment on “the republic of silence” website. For those of you who know Farsi, here is the link: http://urozgan.org/fa-af/article/2061/

ُThis is a rough Translation, i apologize for any mistakes!

I really don’t know what was written in Ms. Rowshan’s article that got the blood of the “BRAVE” Afghan men boiling. I want to ask the guy who went drinking with Commander Sayaaf at Lake Qargha: when crossing Pul-e Sokhta bridge and seeing 1000’s of men “Hazara men” in piles of crap doing drugs, does your “BRAVERY” strike up? Does your blood start boiling then? Does men who are not able to provide for their family but at the same time does not let his wife go out and work, plus does not stop producing children, are also “BRAVE” men?

Unfortunately in Afghanistan, being a man, instead of translating into being wise, intellectual, and being responsible, translates to showing your physical power “masculinity” to your wife and children.

The most “BRAVE” Afghan men are those who are uneducated, have no sense of hygiene, and have no talent so they could live a normal life. But when the going gets though, they get angry and when they come home, they take it out on their wife and children by cursing at them.

I want to address all “Brave or Non-Brave” Afghan men and say one thing: YOU MEN, have excluded us women from everything, we are as you say it, Partial-minded and weak. Our only duty is to clean the house, give birth and cook. You should do politics, perspicacity, run the country and work on the country’s growth. In one word fight the Afghan rivals and partner up with it’s partners.

Please for once, look at the result of your work and than get angry. The result of your work is that, your country has no water, no electricity, you beg the entire world to give you money, you are ashamed of mentioning your nationality in international airports and your head is always hanging down like a pig, thousands of you are drug addicts, you are introduced to the world as the most uneducated and corrupt country’s in the world.

This is you being a man? is the slums that most of the Afghan population live in, called homes? Do the cities of Afghanistan match to your “Bravery and Mustache”?

 One week does not pass by without new about violence against women. Are Fathers who sell their 15-year-old daughters to an 80-year-old man to eat and dip his snuff for a week, Brave too? Are families who imprison their brides to force them to become prostitutes, Brave too?

But on the other hand, afghan women set themselves of fire. They accept the most gruesome of tortures but refuse to sell their honor and dignity.

Afghan men should be man enough to stop begging the world for money. From the president of Afghanistan to the poorest man in country are all feeding off charity. I suggest the men of Afghanistan, specially the brave ones that, instead of wasting your bravery, go earn some respect. If a Japanese or an American man says or claims something, I accept….. I don’t think an Afghan man has a word to define him.

Apparently these “BRAVE MEN” intend to continue like this by degrading and insulting Afghan girls and women.

These “BRAVE MEN” should know that women like Ms. Rowshan are not in few and low numbers now. We will not back down. These “BRAVE MEN” can pop their eyes out and have their blood boiling, we will continue our way, so the “BRAVE MEN” of Afghanistan die one by one because of their bravery.

Rowshan’s will brighten the future of Afghanistan. This day and this comment be witness.

Bellow is the Dari Version

نوشته از خانم روشن تحت عنوان "حمام عمومی زنانه" در وب سایت جمهوری سکوت به نشر رسید ودر قسمت نظرات بعضی آقایان محترم رگ غیرت شان بالازده بودند وکلی توهین ودشنام و... بقدر توان شان به خانم روشن واهالی جمهوری سکوت دادو بودند. در قسمت نظرات، نظری از خانم سوسن در پاسخ به آقایانی که نوشته خانم روشن را اهانت وتوهین تلقی کرده بودند برایم جالب آمد که اینجا برای تان میگذارم.

"من واقعا نمی دانم چه نکته ای در نوشته خانم روشن وجود دارد که این قدر به رگ غیرت مردان"غیرتی" افغان برخورده است. می خواهم از کسی که رفته بود در قرغه با قوماندان سیاف مشروب بخورد. بپرسم، آیا وقتی از پل سوخته می گذری و هزار "مرد " هزاره را در لجنزار اعتیاد غرق شده می بینی هم "رگ غیرتت "بجوش می آید؟ آیا مردانی که قادر نیستند برای زن و بچه شان حد اقل امکانات زندگی را فراهم کنند، زن شان را هم کار کردن نمی مانند زاد ولد پی هم را هم متوقف نمی کنند، از نظر شما مردان با غیرتی هستند؟

متاسفانه در افغانستان، مردانگی، بجای اینکه فرزانه گی باشد، تعقل باشد و مسئولیت پذیری باشد، پنداندن رگ گردن بالای زن و بچه خود است.

با غیرت ترین مردان افغانی کسانی هستند که نه سواد دارند، نه نظافت را رعایت می کنند، نه هنری دارند که با آن زندگی شان را مثل آدم بچرخانند. آنگاه وقتی که روزگار بر آنها فشار آورد عصبانی می شوند و خانه که آمدند، به زن و فرزند شان فحش و نا سزا می دهند.

از همین آدرس می خواهم خطاب به همه مردان افغانستان غیرتی و بی غیرتش یک حرف بزنم و آن حرف این است: شما مردان، ما زنان را که از همه عرصه ها حذف کردید. که ناقص العقل ایم و عاجزه ایم و سیاه سر وظیفه ما شد که بزائیم و خانه را جارو کنیم و بپزیم. و شما باید سیاست کنید، کیاست کنید، مملکت اداره کنید و کشور را به ترقی برسانید. و در یک کلام با سیالان افغانستان سیالی کنید و با شریکایش شریکی.

لطفا یکبار به حاصل کار تان ببینید بعد رگ گردن را بپندانید، حاصل کارتان این است، کشورتان، آب ندارد، برق ندارد، دست گدایی تان در سراسر جهان دراز است. در میدان های هوایی از گفتن نام تان خجالت می کشید و سرتان سر خوگ واری پایان می ماند. هزار هزارتان مبتلا به اعتیاد هستید. بی سواد ترین ملت جهان معرفی شدید فاسد ترین ملت جهان معرفی شدید.

این است مردی شما؟ آیا زاغه نشین هایی را که اکثریت مردم افغانستان در آن زندگی می کنند خانه است؟ شهرهای که این مردم دارند، مطابق شان و غیرت مردان با غیرت و بروتی افغانستان هست؟

هفته ای نیست که خبری از خشونت علیه زنان نباشد. پدرانی که دختران پانزده ساله شان را به مرد هشتاد ساله شوهر می دهند تا از پول فروش فرزندش چند صباحی شوربا بخو رند و نسوار بکشند، هم مرد اند. کسانی که عروس پانزده ساله را به زیر زمین زندانی می کنند تا مجبور به تن فروشی شوند هم مرد اند.

اما از آن طرف زنان افغان، خود را به آتش می کشند حاضر اند تن به بی رحمانه ترین شکنجه ها بدهند اما حیثیت و شرف شان را به فروش نرسانند.

مردان افغان بروند همین قدر مرد شوند که دست گدایی خود را از جیب جهان کوتاه کنند، از رئیس جمهوری تا آخرین فرد مان از نان گدایی زنده ایم. من به مردان افغان بخصوص به غیرتی هایش پیشنهاد می کنم بجای این همه غیرت اضافی، بروید کمی "همت" کمایی کنید. مرد جاپانی اگر چیزی بگوید قبول، مرد آمریکایی اگر ادعایی کند یک چیزی... مرد افغان اما از نظر من کلمه ای برای بیانش نیست.

ظاهرا "مردان غیرتی" قصد دارند با توهین و تحقیر، زنان و دختران، به این وضعیت ادامه دهند. این مردان غیرتی باید بدانند که حالا شما دختران و زنانی که مانند خانم روشن، می دانند و می خوانند و می نویسند یک تا دو تا سه تا نیست. ما دیگر عقب نمی نشینیم. این "غیرتی ها" تا می توانند چشم شان را از حدقه در آرند. و رگ های گردن شان را بپندانند، ما راه مان را خواهیم رفت. تا مردان "غیرتی" دانه دانه دانه، از فرط غیرت بمیرند.

روشن ها، فردای افغانستان را روشن خواهد کرد. این روز و این کامنت نشانی."
